Welcome to the realm of Level Three Leadership.  There are several sections here: (Now in multiple languages, see the widget below):

  1. Level Three Leadership (L3L) How to influence for lasting results. (See below)
  2. Teaching Adults Learning and Teaching theory and practice. With a focus on Case Method instruction for teachers, instructors, consultants and facilitators.
  3. Career Management Time proven guidance for managing your’s and others’.
  4. A Song of Humanity: A Science-Based Alternative to the World’s Scriptures (for families who want to teach their children reality rather than myth)
  5. Powered by FEEL: Does how you feel affect your performance? How individuals, teams, and companies excel.
  6. Wiki-Cases in Management An open wiki-site with over a hundred free, short-cases on various topics in management.
  7. Author’s BLOG on various topics.
  8. Author’s Personal and Professional Pages  Professional and Personal Information including CV, Publications, Family Principles, Taekwondo, and more.

Several links have sample pages so you can preview the contents.  You can choose which sections you would like unlimited access to here: MEMBERSHIP LEVELS  There are no recurring subscription fees, only modest one time access for a year or lifetime. We do not share your information with anyone.

What is Level Three Leadership?  Consider three domains or levels of human behavior.

  1. Level One (L1) refers to Visible Behavior, anything you can capture on film, what people say and do.
  2. Level Two (L2) refers to Conscious Thought.  We think, we know that we think, and we choose not to reveal all that we think at Level One. Sometimes what we think at Level Two leaks to Level One in a smile, a frown, a sigh or other “tells.”
  3. Level Three (L3) refers to the hundreds of semi-conscious or pre-conscious Values, Assumptions, Beliefs and Expectations we all have about the way the world is or should be.  VABEs for short.  We are surrounded by the VABEs of our caregivers the day we are born and every day thereafter.  As defenseless babies, we absorb the VABEs surrounding us until at least the teenage years.  Some VABEs are highly functional, some benign, and some are highly dysfunctional.  Most people agree that humans are about 95%+ habitual (mindlessly repetitive) with regard to their VABEs. Evidence lies in the persistence of the world’s religions and national or tribal cultures; culture is a set of shared VABEs.
    Further, and this is key, the vast majority of people worldwide trust their VABEs OVER reliable, repeated scientific evidence. (NB: Kahneman’s Nobel Prize for that concept.) VABEs are for me a refinement of Dawkins’ concept of “memes.”

Each level has related influence techniques and varying levels of impact/buy-in which is important to would-be leaders, to anyone in relationship to others. Why do people do what they do? Genes and VABEs.

PS: if you are wondering where the “” site name comes from, when I was developing the site, I wrote A Song of Humanity: a science-based alternative to the world’s scriptures after 35 years of devotion and then 20 years of research, including reading all the main scriptures, to provide an alternative to the world’s scriptures that one could read to their children. So the NA represents “Nature,” the DO the “Tao de Ching,” BI the “Bible,” MA “The Book of Mormon,” KO the “Koran”, and BA the “Bagavagita.” Later, I secured the www.level3leadership domain and redirected that address to the original “nadobimakoba.”

How one international executive is utilizing Fundamentals of Level Three Leadership:

“Hi Jim,
Just a catch up/ thank you email. The weekly discussions are still happening and going strong. We are 8 weeks in and everyone is enjoying the weekly discussion, it’s a good hour of just talking about a topic and relating it back to our day to day lives. Very casual but a refreshing and honest discussion with all ego’s/titles removed.

The first 5 weeks were as per your suggested topics below:
Week 1: Career Concepts
Week 2: 3 Levels of Human Behavior
Week 3: Buy in
Week 4: The Diamond Model
Week 5: Choice VS. Obligation

I then put it to the team to logon to your website, choose a topic of their liking that they are then to facilitate on their nominated week (a fair few of the team have signed up to your lifetime membership)

So far, the team members have selected the below topics:
Week 6: You teach what you tolerate
Week 7: Humble to Learn
Week 8: Learning Systems
Next week (week 9) we are going through Chart Your Course

The team are really enjoying your material and wanted me to reach out to you and thank you for the fantastic reading and the way you have laid it out, short and sweet, easy to digest and it hits home. Its been a really good exercise that I see us continuing for some time.”


  1. Dear Professor Clawson,

    Two great ideas: this website and the “Fundamentals of L3L”!!! They will allow your work to be known and adopted by an even bigger and qualified audience! Just as you deserve…

    Congratulations, success and happiness,

    Fabio de Biazzi

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